Towards an African Crystallographic Association

The AfCA is aimed at bringing together scientists from all over Africa, implementing educational and research activities and opening new facilities, with particular focus on crystallography and all related disciplines.


Following the successful meetings of the Steering Committee held during PCCr2/AfLS2 in Accra, a facebook page has been launched to keep everyone informed about the progress towards an African Crystallographic Association (AfCA).

Please like the page, share it and actively participate in the discussions. Also, do not hesitate to invite your friends and colleagues to do that. Thank you!


The AfCA Steering Committee: Seham Kamal (Egypt), Claude Lecomte (France; Crystallography in Africa initiative; ex officio member), Alessia Bacchi (Italy; ECA representative; ex officio member), Rim Benali-Cherif (Algeria), Michele Zema (Italy; IUCr representative; ex officio member). Seated: Delia Haynes (South Africa; chair), Patrice Kenfack (Cameroon; secretary), Adam Bouraima (Gabon), Marielle Agbahoungbata (Benin). Other members: Gift Mehlana (Zimbabwe), Albert Mudemba (DRC).

Posted 12 Feb 2019