LAAAMP Sponsors

Any company that wants to support the implementation of scientific instrumentation and infrastructure worldwide and the discussions towards the establishment of AdLS facilities in the emerging regions, as well as the training of young researchers can be a sponsor of LAAAMP.

LAAAMP Sponsors can actively participate in the Faculty-Student (FAST) teams mobility programme as well as in the LAAAMP Colloquium programme, and in this way contribute to guaranteeing the continuation of the programme even after the ICSU grant has ended in 2019.

Sponsorship opportunities

Logo + company description in dedicated section on LAAAMP website US $1,000
Grant for a FAST team to spend two months at a partner AdLS. The grant will be named and advertised as "LAAAMP-Company name" grant* US $4,000
(in addition to sponsorship fee)
Colloquium presentation, which will be named and advertised as "LAAAMP-Company name" Colloquium* US $2,000
(in addition to sponsorship fee)

*Partial contributions to FAST grants and Colloquium presentations on a non-exclusive basis are also possible.

For more information, please contact us at