CALL for APPLICATIONS for FAculty-STudent (FAST) Teams to Spend Two (2) Months During Calendar Year 2026 at Participating Advanced Light Sources
Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Middle East and Pacific (LAAAMP) will award FAST Team grants to enhance advanced light source (AdLS) and crystallography sciences in eight (8) targeted regions of the world: Africa, Central America and the Caribbean, Mexico, South America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Pacific. The grants are sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), and the American Physical Society (APS). The successful applicants will spend two (2) months during Calendar Year 2026 at LAAAMP’s AdLS Collaborative Partners to acquire expertise in accelerator technology or AdLS beamline techniques, including those involving crystallography.
Application categories
Consists of applications from FAST Teams that are led by faculty who were previous New LAAAMP FAST Team Awardees, but not previous Continuation LAAAMP FAST Team Awardees.
Consists of all other applications.
Who is Eligible under the New Category?
- Employed as a full-time faculty member at an accredited Ph.D. granting university that is located in one of the targeted regions enumerated above.
- Accompanied by one’s Ph.D. student research advisee.
- Interested in using AdLSs to further one’s research and training endeavors.
- Previous experience with using AdLSs is limited to a year or less.
- Ability to spend two (2) months during Calendar Year 2026 as a full-time visitor in residence at an AdLS that is a LAAAMP Collaborative Partner.
- Registered as a full-time Ph.D. student at an accredited university that is located in one of the targeted regions enumerated above.
- Accompanied by one’s faculty research advisor.
- Interested in using AdLSs in one’s dissertation research.
- Ability to spend two (2) months during Calendar Year 2026 as a full-time visitor in residence at an AdLS that is a LAAAMP Collaborative Partner.
Amount of Financial Support
LAAAMP will provide 2,000 Euros per person to cover transportation costs. Any excess will be applied to accommodation and subsistence. The remainder of accommodation and subsistence should be negotiated with the host AdLS, which may or may not be able to provide support for local costs, and other sources of support. Please make sure you have prior written agreement before travelling to cover all costs from the sources available to you.
Within one month after the conclusion of the visit to the host AdLS, the FAST team should provide the following:
- Maximum 10-page description of the research conducted, including any publications that result.
All publications should acknowledge the support provided by IUPAP-IUCr-ICTP LAAAMP. - Maximum 3-page report that evaluates the non-scientific aspects of the visit, including positive experiences as well as ways that the visit could be enhanced in the future.
Who are LAAAMP’s AdLS Collaborative Partners?
- Advanced Light Source (USA)
- Advanced Photon Source (USA)
- ALBA (Spain)
- Australian Synchrotron
- Canadian Light Source
- DELTA (Germany)
- Elettra (Italy)
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France)
- Max IV Laboratory (Sweden)
- National Synchrotron Light Source-II (USA)
- Photon Factory (Japan)
- Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (South Korea)
- SESAME (Jordan)
- Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (China)
- Siam Photon Source (Thailand)
- Sirius Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source
- Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (USA)
- Taiwan Photon Source
To What Persons and Email Addresses Should Applications and Requests of Information be Submitted?
Residents of Africa
Professor Simon Connell
University of Johannesburg
Department of Mechanical Engineering Science
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Milpark, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa
Residents of Central America and the Caribbean
Professor Keyla Soto Hidalgo
Center for Innovation, Research and Education
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
San Juan, PR 00931-3346
Residents of Mexico
Professor Abel MorenoInstitute of Chemistry National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico
Residents of the South America
Dr Helio Cesar Nogueira TolentinoHead of the Heterogeneous and Hierarchical Matter Division
Sirius Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS)
Residents of Southeast Asia
Dr Wantana KlysubunAssistant Director for Academic Affairs
Synchrotron Light Research Institute
Residents of Central Asia
Professor Davron MatrasulovHead of Laboratory for Advanced Studies
Turin Polytechnic University
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Residents of the Middle East
Professor Kirsi LorentzScience and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center
The Cyprus Institute
Nicosia, Cyprus
Residents of the Pacific Islands
Professor Sekazi K. MtingwaManager of the LAAAMP FAST Team Program
LAAAMP Executive Committee
Click here to download the application form
Note: Final funding is dependent upon suitable arrangements being made with a LAAAMP AdLS Collaborative Partner.