Synchrotron light sources in developing countries

In their article published on Modern Physics Letters A, Sekazi K. Mtingwa and Herman Winick discuss the role that synchrotron light sources could play in improving the socioeconomic conditions in developing countries.

Sekazi K. Mtingwa and Herman Winick, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33, 1830003 (2018) [19 pages] 


We discuss the role that synchrotron light sources, such as SESAME, could play in improving the socioeconomic conditions in developing countries. After providing a brief description of a synchrotron light source, we discuss the important role that they played in the development of several economically emerging countries. Then we describe the state of synchrotron science in South Africa and that country’s leadership role in founding the African Light Source initiative. Next, we highlight a new initiative called Lightsources for Africa, the Americas & Middle East Project, which is a global initiative led by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and the International Union of Crystallography, with initial funding provided by the International Council for Science. Finally, we comment on a new technology called the multibend achromat that has launched a new paradigm for the design of synchrotron light sources that should be attractive for construction in developing countries.

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Posted 10 Apr 2018